Francisco Kattan

Insights on the Mobile Ecosystem

Posts Tagged ‘Flash

In Hindsight: What Went Wrong with Adobe Flash in Mobile

[This is a repost of my guest article at the SlashData blog]

Ever since Adobe announced that it will stop developing Flash for mobile browsers, the blogosphere has been buzzing with a broad range of sentiments including “I told you so” by critics, disbelief by Flash developers, Monday morning quarterbacking by analysts, and even a petition for Adobe’s CEO to resign.  Check out also the Occupy Flash and Occupy HTML manifestos from the opposing camps. Flash is one of those topics that attract very emotional responses from both its passionate developer community and its very vocal detractors. Although I am generally an Adobe supporter, I will put emotion aside and summarize, in hindsight, what went wrong. For full disclosure, I am a former Adobe employee, but this post is based only on publicly available information.

HTML5 did not kill Flash. Steve Jobs did not kill Flash. The death of Flash was caused by a time bomb planted inadvertently by Adobe many years ago.

Although Flash for mobile ultimately died because Adobe did not adapt fast enough to post iPhone changes in the ecosystem, the seeds for Adobe’s failure were planted earlier on. To understand what went wrong, let’s first review what happened before the iPhone and how those events set the stage for what happened later.

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Written by Francisco Kattan

December 16, 2011 at 11:02 pm

Why Steve Jobs will Never put Adobe Flash on iPhone OS Devices

[First a quick disclaimer:  although I worked for Adobe in the past and I still have many friends there, I have no inside information on this topic.  This post represents my personal opinion based on publicly available information.]

Given the launch of the Flash-less iPad and the leaks from Apple’s post launch employee meeting most industry insiders have finally concluded that Adobe Flash is not coming to iPhone OS devices.    Over the last two-and-a-half years the conversation has shifted from

  • When will the iPhone support Flash? to…
  • Will the iPhone ever support Flash? to most recently…
  • Why won’t Apple devices ever support Flash?

The question in most people’s mind now is why not?  That is the question I want to address with this post.

While most of the debate in the blogosphere  centers around technical reasons, the real reason is not technical at all.  It is a calculated business decision made by Steve Jobs.

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Written by Francisco Kattan

March 7, 2010 at 10:54 am